Friday, October 2, 2015

Day 1005: Disney When You're Busy

If by now you haven't figured out that I'm incredibly busy this semester, then maybe we all need a reality check. I sort of anticipated this semester being like this, but I don't think I was actually prepared for it. In other words, by the time I got around to actually making an attempt at my schedule this semester, things hit me kind of like a brick wall. This week has been better, much of which I attribute to the fact that Everyday Disney is caught up and I can finally focus on writing one blog post a day. Things are more constant, but it's still a lot of work to keep everything going and in place.

And not having time means a couple of things. First, that there's not as many opportunities to think about Disney or incorporate it into my everyday life, and second, there's not a bunch of time to focus on making YouTube videos each week. I'm definitely not stopping, but I have a whole list of ideas that I'll hopefully have time to film...someday. This week, however, I decided that this exact topic was the perfect opportunity for a video in itself, so I give you my top four ways to bring Disney into your busy day!

A quick fun story about the filming of this video too: I actually was filming Wednesday morning, as that's about the only time I have all week that I'm alone in my townhouse and can easily talk to my camera without interruptions or bothering someone else. Turns out there can still be interruptions though, as only seconds before I was about to film a take of me falling onto the bed, the fire alarm went off in my building. After about five minutes of standing outside, I finally got the shot...but the alarm did go off a second time about 20 minutes later. Wednesday was definitely a day on the struggle bus. 

Remember that you can check out my YouTube channel at any time by following the link in the sidebar! Currently I post two YouTube videos a week (vlogs on Tuesdays and Disney Videos on Fridays), although after the vlogs from Disneyland conclude Tuesday videos will stop until new vlogs are filmed in January!

Have a magical day!

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